
User Guide


Adding Todo Tasks

     Adds a Todo Task to the task list.


     Format: todo [task name]

     Example: todo go to supermarket

Adding Deadline Tasks

     Adds a Deadline Task to the task list.


     Format: deadline [task name] /by[yyyy-mm-dd]

     Example: deadline return books /by 2019-02-20

Adding Event Tasks

     Adds a Event Task to the task list.


     Format: event [task name] /at[yyyy-mm-dd]

     Example: event party /at 2019-02-20

Listing all Tasks

     Displays all Tasks in the current task list.


     Format: list

Marking a Task as Done

     Marks the current Task with the ‘Done’ status (1-based indexing for the Tasks).


     Format: done [task index]

     Example of usage: done 1

Removing a current Task

     Deletes the current Task (1-based indexing for the Tasks).


     Format: delete [task index]

     Example: delete 1

Displaying Help Message

     Displays a help message listing all possible commands.


     Format: help

Exiting the Application

     Terminates the program.


     Example of usage: bye